Sunday, January 31, 2010


Source: US Department of Commerce

I Read this article in equity masters and seems very intresting at this current scenario's of the world market.When we all are keen in predicting/thinking about, what will happen in monday market.?...may be this will boost the confidence of the investors.

Fourth quarter numbers for the US GDP are out. The US economy has recorded its fastest growth in six years as economy expanded 5.7% during the last quarter of 2009. However, thanks to the decline in the first two quarters, the US economy still ended the year about 2.4% lower, the biggest drop in 63 years and the first full year decline since 1991, reports CNN finance. Furthermore, it has been said that a significant growth in the fourth quarter has been due to inventory correction and government stimulus and the same may not be available during forthcoming quarters, thus putting a big question mark over the sustainability of the growth.

Jim Chanos, the man who gained notoriety by calling Chinese economy Dubai times 1,000, is at it again. He has argued in a recent speech that a bubble is building in China's financial system that could derail the global economic recovery. "China is the engine of growth that will hopefully pull us out of the morass that we find ourselves in. But the closer you look at that engine, the more you begin to see that it may throw a piston rod soon," Chanos is believed to have said. While he cautions that he doesn't expect a crash in China anytime soon, he is seeing classic pockets of overheating and overindulgence and has no doubt that there is a credit driven property bubble going on in China right now.

If what Chanos is arguing turns out to be right and if the bursting of property bubble does indeed affect other parts of the Chinese economy then the global economy would indeed be in big trouble what with the US also looking increasingly wobbly. However, if the Chinese authorities do manage to cool down their economy without any big trouble, then the dragon nation could certainly emerge as one of the most attractive investment destinations.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Drop the past each moment

Drop the past each moment. Remember to drop it.
Just as you clean your house every morning,
every moment clean your inner house of the past.
All psychological memories have to be dropped.
Just keep factual things and your mind will be very, very clean and clear.

Don't move ahead of yourself into the future because that is not possible to do. The future remains unknown; that is its beauty, that is its grandeur, glory. If it becomes known it will be useless, because then the whole excitement and the whole surprise will be lost.

Don't expect anything in the future. Don't corrupt it. Because if all your expectations are fulfilled then too you will be miserable... because it is your expectation and it is fulfilled. You will not be happy about it.

Happiness is possible only through surprise; happiness is possible only when something happens which you had never expected, when something takes you completely unawares. If your expectations are fulfilled a hundred per cent, you will be living as if you are in the past, not in the future. You come home and you expected your wife to say something and she does. And you expected your child to behave in a certain way and the child does.

Just think -- you will be constantly in boredom. Nothing will happen. Everything will be just a repetition, as if you are seeing something which you have seen before, hearing something which you have heard before. Continuously you will see that it is a repetition of something. and repetition can never be satisfying. The new, the novel, the original, is needed.

So if your expectations are fulfilled. you will remain completely unfulfilled.

And if your expectations are not fulfilled. then you feel frustrated. Then you feel constantly as if you propose and God goes on disposing; you feel that God is the enemy; you feel as if everybody is against you and everybody is working against you. If your expectations are never fulfilled you will feel frustrated.

Just meditate upon your expectations: if they are fulfilled you will feel bored, if they are not fulfilled you will feel cheated. You will feel as if a conspiracy is going on against you. as if the whole existence is conspiring against you. You will feel exploited, you will feel rejected, you will not be able to feel at home. And the whole problem arises because you expect.

Don't go ahead into the future. Drop expectations.

Thanks to Osho Aakash Krishna›

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Beloved friends and Traders,

We are in a need to manage our stress day to day,and that too day like today..The roller coaster markets all our heart beat raises when the market go's against our position on hand...we used to be so much under stress and need to manage it effectively to enhance our spirit of trading and maintain great health and relationship with our family and fellow i like to submit the articles all about stress for your attention.understand stress and 'how to Bust all your stress '

Stress is already a part of daily living. You may never know it but you are already affected by this issue. You shout at your kids or nag your partner about something. You seem to raise an issue out of a particular event even if it is not true. You also tend to be suspicious at some points. All these are due to stress.

What is Stress?
Scientifically, stress is a state of high tension or pressure, resulting from an accident or injury or a psychological reaction of heightened emotional response. Certain occupations are particularly stressful, such as acting, advertising, controlling air traffic, politics, investing and gambling. As an effect of stressful emotions such as panic attacks, fear and anger, the blood pressure rises, the pulse beats faster, breathing is accelerated, digestion stops, and the adrenal glands become overactive.

Major Facts about Stress
The real issues behind stress can be best understood with a number of facts. Take a look at the following points:

1. It can be caused by many factors. Fear and anxiety are the greatest causes of psychological stress. In modern times people are constantly beset by the threat of calamities. They fear depression and inflation, unemployment, cancer and heart failure, missiles and bombs and famine. At home they may be confronted with marital incompatibility, quarrels, family illness, or financial troubles.

2. It can also cause something. Many illnesses are caused by mental stress, including ulcers, spastic constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure and migraine headaches. Sometimes latent mental disorders are precipitated by stressful circumstances, as in the case of manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, hysteria and neurasthenia.

3. It can worsen through time. When a person is subjected to repeated stresses, she is likely to develop what people call nervous breakdown, an unscientific but expressive term. The stress produced by the problems of everyday living has led to the widespread use of tranquilizers, a last resort when there seems to be no escape from a difficult situation.

4. It happens in daily living. Stress exists in almost every human activity and is not the same as nerve tension. Some stress is beneficial since it may stimulate action.

5. It can be lessened through healthy intimate relationships. Psychiatrists also found out that for the avoidance of excessive stress being married is better than being divorced or single.

6. There are major stressful events connected to it. Studies also showed that the death of a child is the most stressful of any life’s events. Other items include a jail sentence, major financial problems, divorce and the beginning of an extra-marital affair. Some of the environmental factors that may be related to stress are the status of health, the social class, and the size of the household.

7. There are also some stresses that cannot be controlled. Too much stress can show itself in various emotional, behavioral and physical signs, and the signs of stress differ extremely according to each individual.

Usual Physical, Emotional and Behavioral Signs of StressThe physical indications of stress include sleep interruptions, tense muscles, annoyance, gastrointestinal problem, and exhaustion. Its emotional and behavioral indications consist of apprehension, fear, alterations in eating practices, depleted energy, and mood swings.

All of the symptoms given cannot tell whether a person has an elevated stress level because these indications may be due to other medical or mental problems.It is also a fact that persons in stress are most likely to maintain harmful activities like drug and alcohol addiction, excessive cigarette smoking, and poor eating habits. These harmful activities can extremely add to the severity of the indications connected to stress.

Remember that all people may be prone to stress – no matter what age you are in and no matter what status of life you have. The extent may vary also depending on how you take up the challenge that goes with it. If you have a support system with you, it is easy to do away with the situation. But at the worse, it may only lead you to panic attacks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

9 am Opening Bell Fails to Ring in Volumes

As i wrote one of my earlier post's here in my blogs about the change in time" No Charm in The Market" and mentioned the authentic data will be posted later on.Today i got this data from the Financial Chronicle News paper and want to put forth the same for your attention.

Flop Show
Average daily turnover in the cash market last weeks was Rs.24,177 crore,nearly same as the average since March 9,2009.

Date....... 9am to 10am......... 10am to 11am ...........Total daily turnover
jan 4..........6,847.55 ...............2,752.18 ...............21,570.33
jan 5 ..........6,388.12 ...............3,074.33 ................26,829.72
jan 6 ..........5,916.96 ...............3,628.28 ................25,455.97
jan 7.......... 5,404.77...............3,486.89 ................23,056.92
jan 8.......... 5030.38................3,388.06 ...............23,972.23
NEITHER TRADERS NOR INVESTORS seem enthused by the 0am market opening,going by the turnover data in the first week of the new timing of the stock exchanges....

Article Source:-'Financial Chronicle' Dated- 2 Nov 2010.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Believe Nothing

It is much easier to believe that it's snowing, than to experience the snow. If you just believe, you can stay inside, stay warm and avoid the cold. That's why people are led up the garden path by others beliefs. It's easier and warmer. In the context of your spiritual or personal growth, believe nothing, experiment and test everything in the laboratory of your own experience. Only then will you be able to separate truth from falsehood, reality from illusion, and lead others with integrity.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Your home must be somewhere else, because in your dreams you are always flying

It is a very strange situation every intelligent man has to face: he is rooted in the earth and he wants wings to fly in the sky. He cannot be uprooted because the earth is his nourishment, his food. And he cannot stop dreaming of wings, because that is his spirit, that is his very soul, that is what makes him a human being. -OSHO

This is the situation of every human being. It is difficult to find a man whose heart does not want to fly like a bird in the sky, who would not like to reach to the faraway stars, but who also knows his deep attachment with the earth. His roots are deep in the earth. His split is that he is attached to his imprisonment, and his deepest longing is for freedom. He is divided against himself.
This is the greatest anguish, anxiety. You cannot leave the world that chains you ; you cannot leave those who have become your hindrances in life, because they are also your attachments, your joys. They are also in some way a nourishment for your pride. You can neither leave them, nor can you forget that you don't belong to this world, that your home must be somewhere else, because in your dreams you are always flying, flying to faraway places.
FREEDOM IS ALL I WANT, BUT TO HOPE FOR IT, I FEEL ASHAMED. Why should one feel ashamed to hope for freedom?
Because nobody is preventing you. You can be free this very moment. But those attachments... they have gone very deep in you; they have become almost your very existence. They may be bringing misery to you, but they also bring moments of happiness. They may be creating chains for your feet, but they also give you moments of dance.
It is a very strange situation every intelligent man has to face: he is rooted in the earth and he wants wings to fly in the sky. He cannot be uprooted because the earth is his nourishment, his food. And he cannot stop dreaming of wings, because that is his spirit, that is his very soul, that is what makes him a human being.
No animal feels the anguish; all animals are utterly satisfied as they are. Man is the only animal who is intrinsically discontented; hence, the feeling of shame -- because he knows, "I can be free."
I have always loved an ancient story: A man, a great man, a fighter for freedom was traveling into the mountains. He stayed in a caravanserai for the night. He was amazed that in the caravanserai there was a beautiful parrot in a golden cage, continually repeating, "Freedom! Freedom!" And the serai was in such a place that when the parrot repeats the word "Freedom!" it goes on echoing in the valley, in the mountains.
The man thought: I have seen many parrots, and I have thought they must be desiring to be free from those cages... but I have never seen such a parrot whose whole day, from the morning to the evening when he goes to sleep, is spent in asking for freedom. He had an idea. In the middle of the night he got up and opened the door of the cage. The owner was fast asleep and he said to the parrot, he whispered, "Now get out."
But he was very surprised that the parrot was clinging to the bars of the cage. He told him again and again: "Have you forgotten about freedom? Just get out! The door is open and the owner is fast asleep; nobody will ever know. You just fly into the sky; the whole sky is yours."
But the parrot was clinging so deeply, so hard, that the man said, "What is the matter? Are you mad?" He tried to take the parrot out with his own hands, but the parrot started hitting him, and at the same time started shouting, "Freedom! Freedom!" The valleys in the night echoed and re-echoed... but the man was also stubborn, he was a freedom fighter. He pulled the parrot out, and threw him into the sky; and he was very satisfied, although his hand was hurt. The parrot had attacked him as forcefully as he could, but the man was immensely satisfied that he had made a soul free. He went to sleep.
In the morning, as the man was becoming awake, he heard the parrot shouting, "Freedom! Freedom!" He thought perhaps the parrot must be sitting on a tree, or on a rock. But when he came out, the parrot was sitting in the cage. The door was open.
I have loved the story, because it is very true. You may like to be free, but the cage has certain securities, safeties. In the cage the parrot has no need to worry about food, has no need to worry about enemies, has no need to worry about a thing in the world. It is cozy, it is golden. No other parrot has such a valuable cage.
Your power, your riches, your prestige -- all are your cages. Your soul wants to be free, but freedom is dangerous.Freedom has no insurance.
Freedom has no security, no safety.
Freedom means walking on the edge of a razor
-- every moment in danger, fighting your way.
Every moment is a challenge from the unknown. Sometimes it is too hot, and sometimes it is too cold -- and nobody is there to take care of you.
In the cage, the owner was responsible. He used to cover the cage, when it was cold, with a blanket; he used to put an electric fan close by when it was too hot.Freedom means tremendous responsibility; you are on your own and alone.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Commandents for better financial health

A bunch of simple, ready-to-use tips which will apply possibly to each one of us, not only in 2010, but beyond, are below:-

Pay full credit card bills on due date
Remember, if you do not pay the entire bill amount on the due date, interest is charged from the date of spending, and not the due date for payment. That factor alone can push up credit ra tes to over 40 per cent per annum; and this makes it probably the most expensive form of credit. Kill the credit with a personal loan if required - and follow the discipline of no more rollover of credit henceforth.
Close all unnecessary bank accounts
How many of us open new bank accounts with each new job, and haven't even checked the balance in the dormant ones in the past one year?

Keep one month's expenses in bank a/c

As you may have realised, the bank pays interest on your savings bank account at a rate lower than that of inflation. That's not to say that the rest needs to be invested for the long-term. I am only stating that you can earn a bit more through fixed deposits or short-term mutual funds for funds needed more than 30 days later.

Buy life insurance
You buy life insurance to benefit your loved ones, not yourself. Buy the cover that you need today - remember to get the term plans first so that the sum assured is adequate for your family's needs.

Ensure all nominations are in place
Make sure all your bank accounts, investments, insurance policies, have up-to-date nominations in place. Review this at least once a year.

Start investing early

The power of compounding is phenomenal. A 25-year old investing Rs 10,000 per month for 20 years, and then letting the money stay invested, all at 10% pa accumulates Rs 3.3 crore at the age of 60.

A person starting 10 years later (at age 35) needs to invest 2.5 times the amount (Rs 25,000 per month) for 25 years to reach t he same corpus of Rs 3.3 crore.

Invest regularly
Systematic investment where the long-term trend is upwards (as in India) is the best way to eliminate risks of investing in equity markets.

Those who continued doing so in 2008 and early 2009 when the chips seemed down and out have more than seen value in this investment philosophy.

Make a financial plan

Determine your financial goals. Locate a certified financial planner. Get a plan made to help you reach your financial goals, based on the risks that you can take; not just the risks that you wish to take.

Stick to the financial plan
Financial plans result in arriving at an asset allocation which takes into account risks, returns as well as liquidity. Ensure that the allocation is reviewed periodically and balance it so that you can cut risks when the market is over-heated and enter boldly when all others are dancing barefoot on a hot tin roof!

Review first 9 commandments regularly

Discipline is the key to managing your money better. Go over these commandments and add others. The more the merrier. I wish each one of you a very prosperous New Year.

Source: Lovaii Navlakhi, managing director and chief financial planner,
International Money Matters Pvt Ltd


As per my prediction which i posted in the previous post the bank nifty took up from 9056 level to the high 9110.00.i expect it will go further high.

Intra day trader can book profit of 50 plus points.conservative trader can partially book profit if you have more than 1lot, and keep the rest for higher target around 9144 and 9160 level today.

wish you a happy trading.


The current trend of bank nifty future is in the upward direction.where as nifty is in over bought zone and seems to be narrow range bound.The bullishness of banking stocks like sbi,icici etc may drive the market to the higher levels or even it may crossover the previous highs in the coming days on/before feb-2010.
Positional traders avoid short in bank nifty future.for intraday join in our subscribtion scheme and enjoy the 'midas touch'.
Today intraday move will break the -9116 level with volumes may lead the index move upto 9160.00 level.Than there may be a the higher levels.

If you are Burdened working for someone,than

Saturday, January 2, 2010


There is an opportunity to make great money in indian stock market.
One can make Rs.2500-5000/Day.
just read the below article and fallow the link to learn further-
BANK NIFTY FUTURE is one of the higly volatile index's of the 'National Stock Exchange' of India.The active professional trader are meant to make huge money,which is only possible in very active scripts and many scripts and their complex nature are very difficult to predict.The volatality of the individual scripts are low when we compare with the " INDEX FUTURE'S " . This what made us to choose BANK NIFTY.

One can not trade in a Choppy/Side way market.Bank Nifty is almost active all the times.It is volatile even during a choppy market and that enhance the spirit of many trader to trade in ' Bank Nifty ' index future.There are few instituational trader who only trade in Bank Nifty and minting huge money.The Graph of BANK NIFTY One year shown above that indicates the volatality within a year, from the Low of - 3314.55 to the High - 9630.35. The total difference between the low to high is about '6316'- points in last one Year(2009).what else one need ? It is such volatile index future, where we have more oppurtunity to make great money.

You can also view the 2-years bank nifty graph in 'NSE' website from here:-

The indian banks stocks are very strong and highly liquidable.The fundamental of our indian banks seems to be very firm among the rest of the world banks. For e.g.- During the recent past ' The Global Meltdown ' many banks of the other nations were locked-out . But, Our Indian National Banks played safe and showed their credibility to the rest of the world and that attracted many FII's to come to india . Our Indian market remains attractive for the Global investors for the years. We like to submit more facts here, for you to understand more about this Bank Nifty Future .
Article Below is the - Source From NSE WebsiteCNX Bank

The Indian banking Industry has been undergoing major changes, reflecting a number of underlying developments. Advancement in communication and information technology has facilitated growth in internet-banking, ATM Network, Electronic transfer of funds and quick dissemination of information. Structural reforms in the banking sector have improved the health of the banking sector. The reforms recently introduced include the enactment of the Securitization Act to step up loan recoveries, establishment of asset reconstruction companies, initiatives on improving recoveries from Non-performing Assets (NPAs) and change in the basis of income recognition has raised transparency and efficiency in the banking system. Spurt in treasury income and improvement in loan recoveries has helped Indian Banks to record better profitability. In order to have a good benchmark of the Indian banking sector, India Index Service and Product Limited (IISL) has developed the CNX Bank Index.

CNX Bank Index is an index comprised of the most liquid and large capitalised Indian Banking stocks. It provides investors and market intermediaries with a benchmark that captures the capital market performance of Indian Banks.The index will have 12 stocks from the banking sector which trade on the National Stock Exchange.

The total traded value for the last six months of CNX Bank Index stocks is approximately 96.46% of the traded value of the banking sector. CNX Bank Index stocks represent about 87.24% of the total market capitalization of the banking sector as on March 31, 2009.

The total traded value for the last six months of all the CNX Bank Index constituents is approximately 15.26% of the traded value of all stocks on the NSE. CNX Bank Index constituents represent about 7.74% of the total market capitalization as on March 31, 2009.

The index is a market capitalization weighted index with base date of January 01, 2000, indexed to a base value of 1000.
Selection Criteria
Selection of the index set is based on the following criteria:
1.Company's market capitalisation rank in the universe should be less than 500
2.Company's turnover rank in the universe should be less than 500
3.Company's trading frequency should be at least 90% in the last six months.
4.Company should have a positive networth.
5.A company which comes out with a IPO will be eligible for inclusion in the index, if it fulfills the normal eligiblity criteria for the index for a 3 month period instead of a 6 month period.

Constituents list of CNX Bank
1.Axis Bank Ltd.
2.Bank of Baroda
3.Bank of India
4.Canara Bank
5.HDFC Bank Ltd.
6.ICICI Bank Ltd.
7.IDBI Bank Ltd.
8.Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
9.Oriental Bank of Commerce
10.Punjab National Bank
11.State Bank of India
12.Union Bank of India

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Hopes Prevail in 2010

Data Source: Trend

The 2010 seems to be very possitive and lot of hope raises when we look up this image.After a fall in 2008 the year-2009 some what managed itself to face all hurdles including the big mealtdown or recession and sustained in a possitive zone at last and now the begining of year-2010 indicates lot of good sign.Year ' 2010 ' -will be great with more growth and volatality in indian markets both NSE and BSE Respectively.This will benefit a lot for the day traders and short time investors.
The midcap corporates of india showing great progressive personal view about the indian corporates are superp.our corporates gone to overseas and really doing well they are no more bounted within the nation,they become truly global and bring back great returns to our fellow investors of this nation.
wish you all a wealth year ahead in 2010.


My Dear Friends,and Readers,
i heartfully wish you a peaceful and prosperous 'NEW YEAR-2010'
Also wish you....
What ever dream and wish you may have..
Let it come true in this new year - '2010'